2019-2020 North Dakota High School State Championship Team Leaderboard

Division Rankings
Played Season: Fall
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Rank Team Name Round 1 Round 2 To Par Division Total Score Avg. Diff
1 Century 328 333 +85 A 661 44.12
2 Williston 336 344 +104 A 680 53.45
3 Shanley 342 343 +109 A 685 55.91
4 Minot 355 347 +126 A 702 64.26
5 Red River 367 345 +136 A 712 69.18
6 Fargo Davies 375 356 +155 A 731 78.52
7 Bismarck St. Marys 372 365 +161 A 737 81.46
8 Jamestown 386 377 +187 A 763 94.23
9 Wahpeton 384 394 +202 A 778 101.6
10 Bismarck High 385 395 +204 A 780 102.59
11 Fargo South 393 395 +212 A 788 106.52
12 West Fargo 415 410 +249 A 825 124.7